Название: |
Документов |
Серии |
[б. и.], |
23779 |
2Р, М. |
1 |
3-й Ленинградский мед. ин-т, Л. |
1 |
ABBYYPress, М. |
1 |
Academic press, London |
1 |
Academic publishers, Calcutta |
2 |
AITBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi |
1 |
Akademiai Kiado, Будапешт |
1 |
American Physiological Society, Washington |
10 |
Anthology, СПб. |
1 |
Appleton and Lange, Connecticut |
2 |
Arya Publications, New Delhi |
2 |
Avichal publishing company, New Delhi |
3 |
AXLE Int., Московское представительство, М. |
1 |
B. I. Waverly Pvt Ltd, New Delhi |
1 |
Bailliere tindall, London |
Bailliere tindall and cassell, London |
2 |
Bantam Books, San Diego, San Francisco, N. York |
1 |
Bath Press, Bath |
1 |
BHV-Санкт-Петербург, СПб. |
4 |
Blackwell scientific publications, Oxford |
1 |
Books and allied (P) Ltd., Kolkata |
15 |
Butterworth Heinemann, Edinburgh |
2 |
Cambridge University Press, New York |
1 |
Castle house publications, Worcester |
1 |
CBS Publishers and Distributors, Delhi |
28 |
Chintamoni Das Lane, Kolkata |
1 |
Churchill Livingstone, London |
32 |
ClinDatrix, Inc., Лос-Анджелес |
1 |
Columbia University, New York |
1 |